How to ignore members.

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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby AUbicycles » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:17 pm

Just remembered this... Ignorance is bliss

Not to forget that ignorance is also no excuse :)
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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby kukamunga » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:32 am

Can you add yourself to your own 'foe' list? That could be interesting..... not knowing what the heck you are talking about..... :roll:

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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby im_no_pro » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:54 am

kukamunga wrote:Can you add yourself to your own 'foe' list? That could be interesting..... not knowing what the heck you are talking about..... :roll:
:lol: :lol:

Must have missed this thread when it started.... As a member who has used this function in the past I have to say it is a sensible option to offer. As mentioned previously, it is the individual members choice as to how they manage their Foe list. I would guess that most peoples lists will be empty, and thats a good reflection on the community Christopher and the mods maintain.

IME the one time I used it, the person I was ignoring was constantly goading other members into arguments and ended up banned. The few days I used the Foe function for was fantastic as the thread the other member was posting in was a valid topic that I was interested in, but I seemed to constantly get into arguments. So in adding this person as a foe, not only was I looking after my own sanity, but that of other members who did not have to read my responses to their drivel, and I could continue participating in that thread without causing annoyance to myself and others. Self moderation if you will.
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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby birdbrain » Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:05 pm

Can you add yourself to your own 'foe' list? That could be interesting..... not knowing what the heck you are talking about.....

I think thats called old age! :wink:

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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby master6 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:59 pm

I am curious to know how many forumists regard me as a foe, as this might enable me to learn a lesson, however I guess this will not happen as the people who have listed me as a foe will not see this request.

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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby sogood » Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:19 pm

master6 wrote:I am curious to know how many forumists regard me as a foe, as this might enable me to learn a lesson, however I guess this will not happen as the people who have listed me as a foe will not see this request.
Anyone who doesn't reply to your post is a foe! Just to give you an indication of the numbers involved. :mrgreen:
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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby Mulger bill » Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:34 pm

I ignore no one. I can't.

Master6 ol' boy, if I thought you needed a lesson you would have heard from me. Most likely via a PM hoping you enjoy your week off :twisted:
I'm pretty easy going until wound up then I get nasty. Very few peoples here have seen that side of me, more credit to yourselves methinks...

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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby master6 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:42 pm

Mulger bill wrote:I ignore no one. I can't.

Master6 ol' boy, if I thought you needed a lesson you would have heard from me. Most likely via a PM hoping you enjoy your week off :twisted:
I'm pretty easy going until wound up then I get nasty. Very few peoples here have seen that side of me, more credit to yourselves methinks...

Later in the year I will be on a caravanning holiday, without a computer. Could we defer any penalties until then?

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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby fatherofmany » Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:00 pm

Thanks for this post. I for one have used 'ignore' functions in the past, maybe not here but they can come in handy when you constantly get rubbed the wrong way by someone. After all in real life, you don't have to talk to someone if you don't want, so why not in a forum?

As for the comments about censorship and free speech, whilst most would consider it a wonderful ideal, Australia has no bill of rights and whilst it may be implied, we are not guaranteed free speech and the Australian government is quite within it's rights to censor us as it sees fit, just ask Conroy. The following is quoted from Research Note no. 42 2001-02 from the Parliamentary Library... "The Australian Constitution does not have any express provision relating to freedom of speech. In theory, therefore, the Commonwealth Parliament may restrict or censor speech through censorship legislation or other laws, as long as they are otherwise within constitutional power."

So if that is embedded (or not as the case may be) in our constitution, then following the example set by the highest office in the land, the owner of any forum is quite within their rights to censor as much as they like. We as members choose to abide by these rules.

Obviously if we don't like it... we can leave (the forum and if needed... the country)
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Re: How to ignore members.

Postby master6 » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:28 pm

fatherofmany wrote:Thanks for this post. I for one have used 'ignore' functions in the past, maybe not here but they can come in handy when you constantly get rubbed the wrong way by someone. After all in real life, you don't have to talk to someone if you don't want, so why not in a forum?

As for the comments about censorship and free speech, whilst most would consider it a wonderful ideal, Australia has no bill of rights and whilst it may be implied, we are not guaranteed free speech and the Australian government is quite within it's rights to censor us as it sees fit, just ask Conroy. The following is quoted from Research Note no. 42 2001-02 from the Parliamentary Library... "The Australian Constitution does not have any express provision relating to freedom of speech. In theory, therefore, the Commonwealth Parliament may restrict or censor speech through censorship legislation or other laws, as long as they are otherwise within constitutional power."

So if that is embedded (or not as the case may be) in our constitution, then following the example set by the highest office in the land, the owner of any forum is quite within their rights to censor as much as they like. We as members choose to abide by these rules.

Obviously if we don't like it... we can leave (the forum and if needed... the country)
Has this been 3 months cooking?

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