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Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:49 am
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:30 pm
by cancan64
Scintilla wrote:The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail has many steep creek crossings where the rail bridge is not used
I would have loved to have used the bridges... they use them in NZ and can be a highlight of the ride... such a waste

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:45 pm
by ldrcycles
cancan64 wrote:
Scintilla wrote:The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail has many steep creek crossings where the rail bridge is not used
I would have loved to have used the bridges... they use them in NZ and can be a highlight of the ride... such a waste
There's at least one on the new section that's just been opened, and there's a big bridge (Lockyer Creek maybe?) which is being restored and there's plenty of pressure to get it redecked so it can be part of the trail. One of the bridges (I can't remember which) apparently looked in good nick but was actually just barely hanging in there.

The steel and concrete bridge on the SBRT near Kilkivan should have no such trouble, I really can't see any reason not to utilise it. It would certainly be a hell of a lot safer than the stupidly steep drops into the creek bed.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:39 am
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:04 pm
by RonK
I rode the entire rail trail last month and came away with mixed views. It could be a great resource, but it is not there yet.

Crossings on the new section cost $1.5m, the refurbishment of the Lockyer Creek bridge is expected to cost $4.5m.

I don’t understand why so much should be spent on the refurbishment.

$5.5m would have gone a long way towards crossing ALL the gullies with swing bridges.

It comes as no surprise to me that there are already several reports about riders injured by crashes on some of the steep crossings. I considered quite a few of them to be downright dangerous.

The rail trail is still a long way from world class, despite the boasts of the BVRT users association. Much of it is far from the standard set by the Otago Rail Trail which the BVRT users association claim to be the model for the BVRT.

If the BVRT is to be an economic success it must be safe and usable by ALL classes of cyclists.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:57 pm
by singlespeedscott
Honestly I don't think the climbs out of the gully's are that bad, These are only little pinches. I didn't get out of the 46 tooth ring on the Kilkivan-Kingaroy track and the lowest I went was the 29 on the rear. I agree that it would be nice if the bridges where restored though.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:21 pm
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:48 pm
by Abby
The BVRT is still a work in progress. It is leaps and bounds ahead of what it was just a few years ago. A tonne of work has gone on behind the scenes carefully negotiating with and winning over landowners and local communities.

Sure its not perfect, but we now have access to an outstanding piece of infrastructure that is only going to be improved moving forward. ANd if you read the BVRT posts, they have actually been campaigning very hard for grids insteda of gates and for the bridges to be refurbed for pedestrian and cycle use.

On a personal level, I'm not particularly bothered by the gates. I don't ride the BVRT like its a city bikepath transport corridor, the gates and paddocks are part of the rural charm. That's just me though... :-)

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:32 pm
by ValleyForge
Scintilla wrote:They have completely lost my support, yet I do love and support rail-trail development. These people are anti-development of bike facilities, and seem opposed to greater rider participation :roll: :x
I'm having trouble following the logic. Having followed the development of the BVRT over the years, my kids & I have considered it a challenge as they have got older, more confident and the trail improved.

Mind you, my son is sad the Lockyer Creek Bridge is being restored. Means that steep descent down to the creek where Dad went OTB x2 will be gone.

I'm not sad. :lol:

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:19 am
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:15 am
by RonK
Scintilla wrote:Going by my correspondence with the BVRT users group admin, it is not a work in progress. They claim to "like it just like it is, and have no intention to change it".
Yes, I have seen that same comment from the BVRT user's group admin on one of his FB posts. I think that attitude may change when the personal injury lawsuits start coming in.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:27 am
by Abby
Scintilla wrote:Going by my correspondence with the BVRT users group admin, it is not a work in progress. They claim to "like it just like it is, and have no intention to change it". They seem not to want to take on board ANY advice about changes that would be beneficial for riders.

I love riding rail trails, and what they do for bicycle use and local communities. I do not regard the above attitude by BVRT users group as being of any value in building greater rail trail use.
What was the advice you provided regarding beneficial changes?

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:34 am
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:11 pm
by Abby
I don't disagree re: the gates. While I don't personally mind them, less gates will obviously always be better. The response surpirses me though, I remember a long series of posts from the BVRT UA about the high number of gates (particularly on certain sections) and the negotiations going on with councils and landwoners to replace some of them with grids (and remove the needless ones).

Also re: the bridges - I similarly understood from posts that asessments are being done (or have been done) on all the bridges to see which ones could be restored and reinstated, and which ones were totally stuffed. So again, surprised at the reponse, which seems at odds with previous messaging.

I'll respectfully disagree re: the trail surface though. I don't really want a wide crushed dirt trail all the way through (like the Fernvale - Lowood section), I feel like it detracts from the rural feel of the ride and is a 'visually jarring' addition. That said, I know that previously the BVRT managers have organised for a rock-crushing steam roller thingy (I'm sure it has a proper name!!) to be run over a number of sections where the ballast rocks were much more exposed, thus smoothing the surface to a more comfortable level...

I'm hopeful that the responses you got were just someone having a bad day. AT any rate, I think the Users Association has a much smaller role than they used to when the BVRT was being created. The respective councils and DTMR are much more involved now (especially given they are seeing the big uptake by users), and realise its in their financial interest to keep upgrading and maintaing the BVRT.

Happy riding! :-)

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:38 pm
by ValleyForge
Well put Abby. Bridge remediation is a big ticket item, but why fix a bridge and have no money for the trails that lead there?

There is a groundswell about the BVRT and I believe a lot of local business people are now badgering their local members to keep building it up. I mean - who visits Yarraman or Moore if they are not exploring the trail?

What I'm not keen on is a 161km bikeway. I'll stay riding in Brisbane for that. Nor do I want a 161km pump-track. :cry:

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:51 pm
by RonK
ValleyForge wrote:Bridge remediation is a big ticket item, but why fix a bridge and have no money for the trails that lead there?
Then why spend $4.5m+ refurbishing the Lockyer Creek Bridge? If the $1.5m spent building the crossings on the new section is included, $5.5m would very likely have built swing bridges over ALL the gullies.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:57 pm
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:03 pm
by Scintilla
Abby wrote:I don't disagree re: the gates. While I don't personally mind them, less gates will obviously always be better. The response surpirses me though, I remember a long series of posts from the BVRT UA about.....
The response (which got to be quite off-handed and insulting) came from the one person I believe. Speaking to another person involved in Railtrails Australia it would seem that this person has a bit of a rep for odd behaviour and attitudes. His name may be Paul.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:10 pm
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:36 pm
by Abby
Scintilla wrote:
ValleyForge wrote:What I'm not keen on is a 161km bikeway. I'll stay riding in Brisbane for that. Nor do I want a 161km pump-track. :cry:
You really need to take a trip down here to Victoria and find out what really good rail trails are like. Or maybe go over to NZ and ride the Central Otago Rail Trail, or Hauraki Rail Trail. Your speculations are nothing at all like what they are all about.

Thanks Scintilla - you pre-empted my next question! Even though I'm predominantly a roadie, the BVRT has really whet my appetite to do some touring of other rail trails around the place (both in QLD and nationally). My wife (who hates riding on the road) has really enjoyed it too, so am keen to find out some more options that we can do together.

Looks like Victoria might be a good place to start, thanks for the tip... :-)

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:50 pm
by RonK
Abby wrote:Even though I'm predominantly a roadie, the BVRT has really whet my appetite to do some touring of other rail trails around the place (both in QLD and nationally). My wife (who hates riding on the road) has really enjoyed it too, so am keen to find out some more options that we can do together.
The Otago Central Rail Trail may be the granddaddy of rail trails, but the Alps 2 Ocean Great Ride blows the Otago Central Rail Trail away for scenic grandeur. Having ridden parts of both trails I would definitely recommend the Alps 2 Ocean Great Ride. But both are well worth doing.

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:21 pm
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:57 am
by foo on patrol
I've ridden Brassall to Lowood and nothing wrong with the surface. There's no keeping some people happy sometimes. Nothing wrong with some challenges and as far as Law Suits go, give me a bloody break, the roads are more dangerous than these trails. :roll:

You can't expect all of the bridges to be replaced with new ones, there's not a bottomless pit of money! :wink: Be thankful for what has been provided and enjoy the easy parts and challenging part and look forward to the improvement over time.

Have a look at this write up. ... an-to.html


Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 9:24 am
by Scintilla

Re: Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:46 am
by singlespeedscott
Scintilla wrote:
foo on patrol wrote:I've ridden Brassall to Lowood and nothing wrong with the surface. There's no keeping some people happy sometimes. Nothing wrong with some challenges
So you to ‘think it’s just fine and nothing should be done to change it’??
foo on patrol wrote: as far as Law Suits go, give me a bloody break, the roads are more dangerous than these trails.
If you think that you will win a law suit with the roads authority over the traffic risks on the road, good luck to you.
foo on patrol wrote:You can't expect all of the bridges to be replaced with new ones, there's not a bottomless pit of money!
Yes, I do expect the bridges to be reinstated, rebuilt or replaced. This is exactly what has happened to rail trails in Victoria...... over the past 20 years of course. My issue is not about the lack at present but rather the attitude (which you appear to express) that no improvements are needed, nor are even desirable :roll:

I will leave it up to you Qlders but if you think this trail standard is all that you want and should not try to improve on it, then your rail trail will not get the bicycle use that it is capable of, and the local towns will miss out on the potential economic benefits. The landscapes that this trail passes through are really very good, with variety and historic interest, but right now it is a needless chore for bicycle tourists desirous of traveling the full length of the trail. Accepting this as something to work on in future is sensible; dismissing those who don’t like the current trail & bridge situation with “no keeping some people happy” is an insult!
So in your opinion what standard is acceptable for a rail trail. Perfectly smooth hot mix with concrete bridges?

At what point does it no longer become a rail trail but instead a sealed road for non motorised traffic?

What about other user groups? What standard is their expectation?